The joy of learning

Above all else the Montessori method involves the observation of the child. Observing the child is considered the most accurate way to discover her or his unique personality, needs, preferences and talents. As children express their needs, it is the role of adults (teachers, parents and all other educators) to pay close attention, respect and protect each child’s individual personality.

The primary goal of our school is to create an environment where children are happy and enthusiastic to pursue their natural curiosity in a setting that supports their physical, mental and intellectual needs.

“The child is the biggest and most comforting marvel of nature, not a being without strength, an empty container to be filled with our wisdom, but constructor of his intelligence, the being that, guided by an internal teacher, works tirelessly with joy and happiness following a precise programme to become that wonder of nature that is Man. As teachers we can only help the work already accomplished”

Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind.

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